NCG Express


Panadura to Kandy 17

Panadura to Kandy NCG Express Sri Lanka Bus Route 17

Discover the Scenic Journey from Panadura to Kandy

Experience the journey from Panadura to Kandy in comfort with semi luxurious, and comfortable seating on our NCG Express. Book now for a delightful travel experience.

Bus No.Depature from PanduraArrival to Kandy
BUS 013.30 AM7.20 AM
BUS 024.30 AM8.15 AM
BUS 034.50 AM8.45 AM
BUS 055.15 AM9.30 AM
BUS 058.10 AM1.00 PM
BUS 069.10 AM1.50 PM
BUS 0710.40 AM3.15 PM

( These arrival times may change due to traffic, weather, and other conditions )

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